Saturday, May 16, 2009

Read The Headlines, It's Ok you might feel better

If you want to know the general direction of the economy and thus the housing market, since it makes up almost 21% of the economy, just read this selection of headlines.

05/11/09U.S. Economic Growth Seen Resuming in Third Quarter - ReutersRupert Murdoch:

The Worst Is Over - MoneyNEWS
05/12/09The Return Of The Homebuilders -

05/13/09Illinois Home Foreclosures Slow In April - AP

'Good Bad' Economy Inspires Consumers as Slump Eases (Update 1) - Bloomberg Press"Consumer confidence rose last month by the most in two years, and the pace of job losses declined. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index climbed 34 percent, as of yesterday, from a low March 9 -- the biggest such move over a similar time span since the 1930s..."

"Fifty-two economists predict personal consumption will start rising in July, according to a Bloomberg survey..."

"A Bloomberg survey of users on six continents showed that confidence in the global economy rose to the highest level in 19 months."
05/14/09Housing Market May Be Healing Itself - Forbes

Obama Administration To Expand Housing Plan – AP

05/15/09U. S Industrial Production Falls Less Than ForecastBloomberg - Courtney Schlisserman - "Industrial production in the U.S. fell in April at the slowest pace in six months, signaling manufacturing may be stabilizing." U.S. CPI Data Points To Easing RecessionReuters - Lucia Mutikani and Emily Kaiser - "U.S. consumer prices were unchanged in April from March and industrial output declined at a slower pace, reports showed on Friday, providing more evidence that the worst phase of the recession may be over..."

Prices Suggest Little Deflation RiskWall Street Journal - Brian Blackstone - "Annual U.S. inflation measures plunged deeper into the red last month, as falling energy and food prices brought consumer prices down by their fastest 12-month rate in over a half century."

While it wasn't all good news last week, the overwhelming theme in these headlines is, the economy is showing signs of recovery and so does housing.

This article was taken from the ECONOMIC FORCAST Volume 13, Issue 19